8 Week Full-Body Program

Only 2 months per phase

If you follow a full-body program built you'll be amazed at how well your body responds. If your goal is to add mass, these are the movements that will allow you to use the most weight and provide the training stimulus the body will need to grow.

Master all the fundamentals

If your goal is fat loss, these are the movements that will allow you to burn the most calories and continue working harder. If your goal is just to get stronger and more athletic for whatever you decide to do later, these movements are the perfect start.

Shoulders & Arms workout

Descending Pull-Ups (30 sec intervals)
Dumbbell Upward Press (25 reps)
Dumbbell Flies (20 reps)

Repeat each circuit for 4 SETS

Cardio workout

Box jumps (30 reps)
Jump Rope Skips (60 sec intervals)
Body Weight Burpes (25 reps- descending sequence)

Repeat each circuit for 4 SETS

Legs workout

Weighted Lunges (30 reps)
Farmers Walk (20 reps of a 2 meter distance)
Weighted Squats (30 reps)

Repeat each circuit for 4 SETS

Abdominal workout

Hollow Rocks (25 reps)
Weighted Sit-ups (30 reps)
Plank (60 sec intervals)

Repeat each circuit for 4 SETS

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